James Elston

James Elston

Published July 28, 2024

Autumn is the best time to install solar panels in the UK. But, why is this the case?

Find out all there is to know in this guide.

When Should You Install Solar Panels In The UK?

Autumn is the best season to install solar panels in the UK. This is because the autumn months – September to November – boast cooler temperatures, shorter wait times for installation and cheaper fitment fees.

Since photovoltaic (PV) panels generate energy from sunlight, the system uses light (not heat) to produce solar electricity.

Let’s take a closer look:

Favourable weather conditions

  • Drier conditions: Autumn brings drier conditions, making it easier and safer for installers to work on your roof compared to wet winter months.
  • Reduced rainfall: Autumn often experiences more stable weather patterns, allowing for uninterrupted installations. This can minimise delays and complications associated with bad weather.
  • Lower temperatures: A solar system operates more efficiently at lower temperatures. While autumn has cooler temperatures than summer, this actually benefits solar panel performance. High summer temperatures can make it too hot for solar panels, reducing their efficiency by 0.5% for every degree above 25°C.

Optimal sunlight for energy generation

  • Longer days: Although daylight hours decrease as autumn progresses, early autumn months still benefit from relatively long days. This allows for sufficient sunlight to maximise energy generation.
  • Less intense sun: Solar panels function optimally at 25°C and with average autumn temperatures in the UK range between 10°C and 20°C, it’s ideal for solar energy production. 

Preparation for winter

  • Energy storage: Installing solar panels (with battery storage units) in autumn allows property owners to harness the sun’s energy before winter arrives. This energy can be stored and used during darker, colder days.
  • Lower energy bills: When solar installations are completed before winter, property owners can start benefiting from reduced electricity bills as they begin generating their own electricity.

Cheaper installation cost

  • Out-of-season rates: While summer months allow solar panels to capture the most energy, it is the peak season for solar installations. This brings longer waiting periods and higher installation costs. Autumn months have the cheapest installation rates in the UK while still allowing for sufficient energy generation.
  • Potential discounts: With fewer installations occurring during autumn, some companies may offer promotions or discounts to attract customers during the off-peak season.

Here’s a quick comparison between UK seasons so you can make a more informed decision:

SeasonRatesInstallation speedSolar power productionInstallation conditions
Autumn (Sep-Nov)CheapestFastestSufficientGood weather
Winter (Dec-Feb)Cheaper FasterLeastSnow limits installation
Spring (Mar-May)CheaperFasterAdequateMild weather
Summer (Jun-Aug)HighestSlowest due to high demandMostHigh temperatures

Need A Solar Panel Installation Quote?

Are you ready to install a solar energy system at your residential or commercial property? Chat with Eco Happy today. We’re passionate about solar energy and will provide you with a free, no-obligation quote to help you start your renewable energy journey – no matter the season!


Do solar panels work in winter months?

Yes, solar panels work in winter. They are designed to capture sunlight efficiently, even on cloudy days. However, shorter daylight hours and weather conditions can affect solar energy generation, resulting in around 50% less energy production when compared to summer months.

What are the best months to install solar panels in the UK?

September to November are generally the best months to install a solar panel system as labour costs are much cheaper during the off-season. It’s not advised to install solar panels in winter due to inclement weather conditions.

However, warmer months, from March to August, are the most popular seasons to install solar systems in the UK. This is because they generate the most solar energy when there are 12 hours of sunlight per day. 

At what temperature are solar panels most efficient?

Solar panels function at optimal efficiency at 25°C. The average solar panel system loses around 0.5% output efficiency for every degree above 25°C.

What is the solar bell?

The solar bell refers to the time of year when solar panels generate the most energy due to 12 hours of continuous sunlight. In the UK, this is between April and September.

Final Thoughts

Autumn is the best season for a solar installation in the UK due to drier conditions and cheaper installation rates.By considering these factors and getting a free quote from Eco Happy, you can harness the sun’s power and enjoy the benefits of clean, renewable solar power for years to come.

James Elston

James Elston

Boiler Expert

James Elston is the top boiler replacement and heating expert at Eco Happy. He has over 20 years of experience in the industry, focusing on Gas Safe boiler installations and offering home-heating and energy-saving solutions to homeowners across the UK. From sourcing the most energy-efficient combi boiler to providing specialist heating advice, James ensures that Eco Happy maintains the highest standards and best customer service.

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